山东省现有土层厚度在15cm以下的瘠薄荒山24万hm ̄2,自然条件十分恶劣,不适合乔木树种生长。为尽快绿化这些瘠薄荒山,作者根据30多年调查积累的资料,认为:开发利用藤本和草本植物是绿化瘠薄荒山的有效途径,把它们纳入山区林业生产结构具有多方面的现实意义。还着重介绍了适宜和优先开发利用的藤本、草本植物种类,以及适地适种问题。并提出了开发利用藤本和草本植松的对策。
Shandong Province, the existing soil thickness less than 15cm barren barren hills 240,000 hm ~ 2, the natural conditions are very poor, not suitable for tree species growth. In order to afforest these infertile barren hills as soon as possible, based on the data accumulated over 30 years of investigation, the author believes that developing and utilizing vine and herbaceous plants is an effective way to green barren barren hills and integrating them into the forestry production structure in mountainous areas has many realistic meanings. Emphasis was also placed on the types of vine and herbaceous plants that are suitable and prioritized for development and utilization, as well as the issue of the right species. And put forward the development and utilization of vine and herbaceous pine countermeasures.