最早发现于台湾省台东县长滨乡境内的八仙洞旧石器时代晚期遗址,被李济先生命名为“长滨文化”。目前所知,台湾本岛的四周海岸,都发现有长滨文化遗址。除八仙洞遗址外,还有台湾北部的芝山岩遗址下层、台东成功镇小马海蚀洞3号遗址和屏东县恒春镇鹅銮鼻半岛的鹅銮鼻第二史前遗址、龙坑遗址等。因为一些遗址的文化内涵虽然属于旧石器时代晚期,但其绝对年代已进入距今1万年的全新世,而被台湾考古学者称为“旧石器时代晚期持续型文化”(persisted upper paleolithic culture)~①。
It was first discovered in the late Paleolithic site of Binxian Cave in Binbin County, Taitung County, Taiwan Province and was named “Changbang Culture” by Mr. Li Ji. As far as we know, there are Changbang cultural sites all around the island of Taiwan. In addition to the sites of Baxian Cave, there are the ruins of the lower part of the Shishanyan site in northern Taiwan, the ruins of the No. 3 Poma sea caves in Chenggong Town, Taitung County and the second most prehistoric site of Eluanbi in the Eluanbi Peninsula, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Wait. Because some of the cultural connotations of the sites belong to the late Paleolithic period, their absolute age has entered the Holocene dating back 10,000 years and been referred to by the Taiwanese archeologists as "persisted upper paleolithic Culture) ~ ①.