相关的考古发现和研究以及文献记载表明 ,陶唐氏所居之“唐”地不在晋南地区 ,而是位于豫北地区。晋南的唐国始于晚商时期 ,此前本地无“唐”的地名。豫北地区作为后岗二期文化的中心区 ,正是最初的“唐”地所在 ,后岗二期文化为陶唐氏创造的文化。晚商时期晋南之唐也是由豫北迁去。因此 ,“唐”地所在应有一个历史变化过程 ,历来关于“唐”地所在的认识存在误区。
Relevant archaeological discoveries and studies as well as the historical records show that the “Tang” where Tao Dow lived was not in the Jinnan area but rather in the north of Henan Province. Tang Dynasty in Jinnan began in the late Shang period, after the local no “place” of the Tang. The northern part of Henan Province, as the core area of the second phase of Hougang, is the place where the first “Tang” was located and the second phase of Hougang was the culture created by Tao Downg. In the late Shang period, the Tang Dynasty in South Shanxi was relocated from the north of Henan Province. Therefore, there should be a process of historical change in the place of “Tang”, and misunderstandings always exist in the cognition of “Tang”.