In today’s world, the real content behind more than 60% of the service economy is the fact that producer services are the mainstay. That is, not a fundamental change has been made in what is being produced, but the material product “how to produce” has changed. The high service share of the world economy should not be the motivation for the development of local service industries simply, generally and blindly throughout China. The order of development of large-scale industries and the “non-tradable goods” of most service products determine that the development of service industries must “adapt to local conditions”: its development in populous countries restricts the supply of service industries as the basis for the productive forces of physical products and in the cities and towns The constraints on demand are the local demand level. The local urbanization level determines the scale and speed of the development of local service industry. The status of local industry structure and the sector structure that determines the development of local service industry depend on the trend. Only with sufficient industrial base can a high proportion of producer services similar to that of the world be formed, as well as a high proportion of added value added by the service industry.