Tubal ligation is currently a relatively simple and safe method of sterilization, but if the slightest negligence, it is necessary to bring pain or misfortune to the surgeon. Tubal ligation complicated with ectopic pregnancy, although rare, but non-rare, it should be given enough attention, now our hospital in the past 2 years encountered 3 cases reported as follows. Example 1: In a 34-year-old, who underwent abdominal tubal ligation in 1979, at 5:00 on the morning of November 11, 1984 to July 7, suddenly fell into pain from the lower abdomen when standing up in the toilet. At 8:00, he continued to feel pain burst Sex increased, this time amenorrhea for 35 days, vaginal bleeding 4 days. Examination of mild anemia appearance, body temperature 36.6 ℃, pulse 76 beats / min, blood pressure 15.96 /