成为出色的设计师,是每一位设计者 的追求。然而设计生命常青者寥寥,多数 则昙花一现,或毫无个性可言……究其缘 由,不能不说与忽视史论学习、缺乏创新 能力密切相关。 科技的发展,造就了新的产品造型、 质量标准、设计观念及评价体系,受众对 产品设计永无止境的新要求,不断鞭策设 计者拿出更好的设计。与之相应的设计者 理应具有较全面的素养与才能。尴尬的是 刚刚解决温饱步向小康的百姓,尚未树立 起稳定的审美观;设计产业及设计教育迅 猛发展的同时,不能不清醒地认识到其纯
Become a good designer, is the pursuit of every designer. However, there are only a few people who design life evergreens, and most of them are short-lived or have no individuality at all. The reason for this is that they are closely related to the neglect of history study and lack of innovation ability. The development of science and technology has created a new product modeling, quality standards, design concepts and evaluation system, audiences endless new product design requirements, continue to encourage designers to come up with better designs. Corresponding designers should have a more comprehensive literacy and talent. Embarrassed just to solve the food and clothing to the well-off people, yet to establish a stable aesthetic; design industry and design education is developing at the same time, can not but clearly aware of its pure