In the late 1950s, “Zhejiang General Law Unit Line” put forward by Hunan Hydrological Station played a certain role in the calculation of design floods for water conservancy and hydropower projects. However, after years of use, when using some of the actual storm flood data inspection, often have a low peak, the peak appears time after the phenomenon. The reason is: the flow station, rainfall site sparsely distributed, short series of data, simple test means; basin natural geographical eigenvalue can only calculate from the map of the army one hundred thousandth, the calculated catchment area, river length, The slope of the river is equivalent to the actual one. The selected stations vary from Xiaoshunjiang Yanling Station of 134 km ~ 2 to Oujiang Wei Ren Station of 13560 km ~ 2, with a difference of 100 times in area size. Selected 65 stations, only