编者按过去的创新,是用新的方式呈现产品的概念;现在的创新,是抽离公司的角度,看见产业正在发生的改变与趋势。过去的领导人,在管理企业;而现在的领导人,在管理“改变”。国际知名创新顾问公司IDEO资深顾问、IDEO日本分公司负责人、丹麦哥本哈根互动设计学院(CIID)顾问部门领导人林克(Brian Rink)认为,“重点不是产品,是和顾客的每个接触点。不只是当他购买产品的那一刻,而是在顾客的整个旅程上”。本刊现辑录他的部分观点,与读者共享。
According to the past innovations, the editors are presenting the concept of products in new ways; the current innovation is pulling away from the perspective of the company and seeing the changes and trends that are taking place in the industry. Past leaders are managing companies; today’s leaders are managing “changes”. According to Brian Rink, senior IDEO consultant of the internationally renowned innovation consultancy company, head of IDEO Japan, and consultant of Copenhagen Institute of Interactive Design (CIID), Denmark, “The focus is not the product but every contact point with the customer. Not only when he buys the product, but on the customer’s entire journey. The journal now includes some of his ideas and shares it with readers.