Printed circuit board is almost all of the electronic devices, that is as small as MP3 core control components to the power plant. In the history of more than 100 years, printed circuit boards have undergone great changes in terms of function, size and production cost. Especially in recent years, with the continuous miniaturization of integrated circuits, package density of printed circuit boards A substantial increase, of which the development of personal computers is one of the best PCB technology has made significant progress. The computing power of desktop computers has surpassed that of the first supercomputer in the 1960s and 1970s at a much lower price than the small calculators of the time. Another example is the use of mobile phones for global communications, from expensive, clumsy “dog-bone” types in just a few years to the small, world-class messaging and data services essential communications tools. The following is a summary of the development of circuit boards and the current status of the technology, and predict the future development trend of the PCB technology.