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广东现有规模以上农机制造企业57家,生产的农业机械有耕作、植物保护、农业运输、收获、场上作业、农副产品加工、畜牧、渔业和其它农业机械及配件等。发展至今天,经历了从创业、发展、衰退到再发展的复兴之路。上世纪70年代初,广东省政府认真落实国务院“第二次全国农业机械化会议”提出的“加快农业机械化进程”精神,采取各种措施大力发展农机工业。至1978年底,广东农机企业发展到231家,完成工业总产值3.57亿元,占当年机械工业总产值的28.4%,是广东农机工业大发展时期。1979年后,国家进行国民经济调整,农机产品市场发生较大变化,供过于求,产品大量积压,广东农机行业连续3年大滑坡,直至1982年才走出低谷,逐步恢复和发展。“六五”期间,随着农村经济体制改革的发展,广泛实行承包责任制,农业生产 There are 57 agricultural machinery manufacturing enterprises above designated size in Guangdong. There are farming machinery, plant protection, agricultural transportation, harvesting, field operations, processing of agricultural and sideline products, livestock husbandry, fishery and other agricultural machinery and accessories. Today, it has undergone a road of rejuvenation from entrepreneurship, development and recession to further development. In the early 1970s, the Guangdong provincial government earnestly implemented the spirit of “Speeding up the Process of Agricultural Mechanization” proposed by the State Council and the “Second National Agricultural Mechanization Conference” and took various measures to vigorously develop the agricultural machinery industry. By the end of 1978, the number of agricultural machinery enterprises in Guangdong had grown to 231, with a total industrial output value of 357 million yuan, accounting for 28.4% of the total output value of the machinery industry of that year, a period of great development of Guangdong’s agricultural machinery industry. After 1979, the state carried out the adjustment of the national economy, resulting in major changes in the market of agricultural machinery products. As a result, the agricultural machinery industry in Guangdong suffered a large landslide for three years after its oversupply and oversupply of products. It was not until 1982 that it gradually recovered and developed. “Six Five ” period, with the development of rural economic system reform, the extensive implementation of contract responsibility system, agricultural production
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