坚持专门工作与党的群众路线相结合 把检察工作深深扎根于人民群众之中

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要认真学习贯彻习近平总书记在河北调研指导党的群众路线教育实践活动时的重要讲话精神和中央政法部门深入推进党的群众路线教育实践活动会议精神,深入开展检察机关的教育实践活动,始终坚持专门工作与群众路线相结合,努力把检察工作深深扎根于人民群众之中。要真正将群众意见转化为提高思想和改进作风的力量,下大气力解决群众反映强烈的执法司法问题。解决群众反映强烈的突出问题,特别是以“四风”为代表的作风问题,是这次教育实践活动 We must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in conducting research on the practice of teaching the party’s mass line in Hebei and the spirit of the Central Political Bureau and the law department in deepening the party’s practice of education in the mass line and in carrying out the educational practice of procuratorial organs in an in-depth manner Specialized work and mass line combination, and strive to deeply rooted in the procuratorial work among the people. We must truly transform the opinions of the masses into those that enhance our thinking and improve our style of work, and devote ourselves to resolving the issue of law enforcement and judiciary, which is strongly reflected by the masses. Solve the outstanding problems that the masses reflect strongly, especially the style of work represented by “Four Winds ” is the educational practice
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