The Significance of Learning English to Vocational School Students

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  【Abstract】As an English teacher in a vocational school, you should know the attitude of your students to their English learning. Only when they understand the significance of learning English , can they pay special attention to the teacher’s teaching.
  【key words】English learning; ability; vocational school
  As an English teacher of the vocational school, I am often asked by my students:“What is the use for us to learn English?” My students often think that they have barely chances to communicate with foreigners, they have no interests in learning English because English is very difficult. In such a situation, I will tell my students seriously,“learning English is still useful and important to you and to your self- development.”The reasons are as following:
  1. Learning English can improve your comprehensive ability
  My children, you live in China, and Chinese is your native tongue. In such language environment, you may have many problems to master English. Even this, you should be brave. Firstly, you should have the strong courage to learn English well. Secondly, you should have some scientific methods to study this language. Through the training courses, your comprehensive ability will be cultivated gradually. One day, you will find English learning is not so difficult as before. You can understand this language somehow, and you even express your idea in this language smoothly. Your comprehensive ability has been improved step by step. As vocational school students, you should have all kinds of the skills to better your study ability. The comprehensive ability is the basic and the most crucial one.
  2. Learning English can enhance your memory capacity
  English has large vocabulary. If you want to learn English, you have to study the words and remember them in your own way. In fact, it is not an easy thing for our Chinese students to master the English linguistic rules. You should listen to the English teachers’ teaching carefully. You should study English grammar if necessary. All the aspects of study mentioned above needs your strong and scientific memory. You will be trained and also you will find the correct way to remember English words. Your memory ability will be enhanced. Some people say that learning English is training one’s memory capacity.
  3. Learning English can hoist your capacity to get knowledges and information
  Someone said,“Learning English can help you know the world well” We can compare English to a tool. By this tool, we will get a lot of valuable things. We now live in an information era. Most of the news and papers are published in English. English is also the most important linguistic tool. As the students, you would master more advanced knowledge if you are good at English. You can communicate with foreign teachers and students if you have fluent English. Your social circle should be larger than before. At the same time, you can have the ability to compare your own culture with English culture. It sounds so interesting to the students. “We will have another window to see the world if we learn English well,” said some students. It is true. As the teenage vocational students, they have the strong interest to know the world and communicate with others, to catch up with the fashion trend. Good English learners could enjoy the pleasure.   4. Learning English can better your communication ability
  Communication is the basic function of language, especially to English. In order to communicate with others, you have to do a lot in advance. You must learn the vocabulary, and understand some grammar knowledge. If you want to communicate with others smoothly, you should have some interesting, attractive and useful topics. You have to study and care some knowledge about history, geography, culture, law, science, economy and so on, even something about drama, movies and sport events. All of these will compel the students to learn, to search and to study lots of things in different fields. In fact, the vocational school students need the chance to practice their ability and skill.
  In a word, learning English is quite helpful to our vocational school students. It will bring them a pair of wings if they learn English well. They could fly in the sky of the knowledge and culture that is in English. And they could fly higher and farther in their lives in the future. They could watch and enjoy more beautiful views.
  [1]Kathleen Graves (USA). Designing Language Course[M].北京師范大学出版社,2008.
【摘要】笔者对如何实施初中英语班级内分层教学进行了论述。强调在班级内针对不同学习水平的学生设计不同层次的教学目标,提出分层学习要求,给予分层辅导,进行分层评价,从而使各类学生在各自的起点上选择不同的速度学习,获取数量、层次不同的知识信息,达到因材施教的目的。  【关键词】初中英语;班级内;分层教学  【作者简介】周艳玲,珠海市第七中学。  “初中英语班级内分层教学”是一种初中英语教学模式,该模式根
【摘要】本研究将“具身认知”理论与高职英语有效教学的实践研究相结合,归纳了高职英语有效教学的特征,分析了高职英语教学现状,对“具身认知”指导下的高职英语有效教学策略进行了探索和总结。  【关键词】具身认知;高职英语;有效教学  【作者简介】郭丹(1977-),女,汉族,湖南益阳人,益阳职业技术学院思政教育与公共课部,副教授,研究方向:高职英语教学实践研究;汪利平(1981-),女,汉族,湖南益阳人
【摘要】《论老之将至》是伯特兰·罗素的一篇著名随笔。如标题所示,这篇文章讨论的是变老问题。作者以一种轻松幽默的方式,将这一严肃的社会问题转变为两个个人问题来讨论:如何保持心理年轻态和如何看待死亡。  【关键词】《论老之将至》;伯特兰·罗素;文体风格;人生观  【作者简介】霍畅畅,西北民族大学。  《论乐之将至》一文讨论了每个人都必须经历的两个过程,变老和死亡,以及如何在老年时正确看待这两个问题。作
【摘要】词汇是学习任何一门语言的基础。因此,高中英语教师应该高度重视英语词汇教学。而“一词多义”是英语语言中的常见情况。为了让学生理解和掌握多义词汇,高中英语教师应该结合词汇的多种义项、语境、文化给学生讲解多义词,提高学生的英语词汇量。  【关键词】高中英语;一词多义;英语教学;词汇教学  【作者简介】顾德梅,江苏省高邮市第二中学。  词汇是一门语言的基本构成,词汇教学是语言教学的重要组成部分。对
【摘要】在当前的高职校英语课堂上,学生对英语学习的积极性不高,学习效率较低,另外,不当的授课方式和知识点的枯燥也是造成学生对英语课堂缺乏关注力的原因。本文旨在高职英语教学现状的基础上,探讨如何从学生和教师两个方面入手,在有限的教学时间内,更好地提高英语授课效果,提高学生在英语课堂上的学习积极性,获得知识技能。  【关键词】高职英语;课堂积极性;激励机制  【作者简介】朱海媛,苏州旅游与财经高等职业
【摘要】初中生对英语的学习是很重要的,因为英语是全球性的语言。学生要想流利的说好英语,就需要提高自己的阅读能力。英语阅读主要就是把英文所表达的意思同自己的思想结合起来,得出正确的理解。就目前来看,我国很多高校对英语教学并不重视,导致学生的阅读能力很低。所以,本文主要分析了影响英语阅读能力的因素,并给出几点提高英语阅读能力的措施。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读能力;培养;提高  【作者简介】房艳,山东
【摘要】英语是世界上使用最为广泛的语言,在许多社交场合和活动开展的时候都会使用到英语,英语学科也就成了我国教育的必修课之一。在实际开展教学的时候能够发现因为教学方式所引发的一些需要解决的教学问题。对此,本文针对初中英语词汇教学中任务型方法的运用进行了探讨,提出了相关的教学策略,希望能够提供一定帮助。  【关键词】初中英语;词汇教学;任务型教学;方法运用  【作者简介】陶志容,四川省泸州市纳溪区英才