1 对象与方法1.1 对象 市一院、二院、三院、公费医院、卫校附院、矿物局中央医院、解放军第一六 0医院等七所综合医院的内科门诊登记本 ,呼吸内科病房的登记本。1.2 检查内科门诊登记本 ,呼吸内科病房出入院登记本 ,对登记的病人与诊断结果逐一核对 ,必要时核对处方用药和
1 Subjects and Methods 1.1 Subjects City Hospital, the second hospital, the third hospital, the public hospital, the school attached to the hospital, the Central Bureau of Mineral Bureau, the PLA General Hospital 160 hospitals, internal medicine clinic registration, registration of respiratory medical wards this. 1.2 check the medical clinic registration book, respiratory medical ward entry and exit of the register, check the registration of patients and diagnostic results one by one, if necessary, check the prescription medication and