要采访这位“卫队长”可真不容易,因为他太忙。终于,上海市普陀区公安分局组织科来了电话:今天晚上卞长忠值班…… 刑警值班闲不住。我被告知还须等一会,于是我抓紧时间飞快地浏览着分局提供的有关他的那一叠厚实的材料。首先跃入眼帘的是这几行打印出来的字: 卞长忠,男,40岁,中共党员,现任普陀刑侦支队支队长。1995~1996年,侦破凶杀等重特大案件14起;以“捆绑式”考核,完善了“探长制”。 他荣获二等功1次,三等功3次,荣获“全国优秀人民警察”、“上海市优秀共产党员”、普陀区“十大杰出青年”和上海市第二届“东方卫士”称号。
To interview the “guard captain” is not easy, because he is too busy. Finally, Putuo District Public Security Bureau of Shanghai Branch Organization Section to the phone: tonight Bian Changzhong on duty ... Interpol busy duty. I was told I had to wait for a while, so I hurriedly scrutinized the pile of thick material about him supplied by the branch. The first thing that catches your eye is the printout of these lines: Bian Changzhong, male, 40, member of the CCP, incumbent as Detachment of Criminal Investigation Detachment. From 1995 to 1996, 14 cases were detected such as murder and other serious cases; with the “bundled” assessment, the “probationary system” was perfected. He was awarded second class one time and third class three times and won the title of “National Outstanding People’s Police”, “Outstanding Communist Party Member of Shanghai”, “Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Putuo District” and “Second Shanghai Oriental Guardian” in Shanghai.