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法定量刑从两个方面进行看待,即法定刑和法量刑,法定量刑情节具有一定的法律条文依据。我国刑法条文中总则和分则有“法定刑”、“从重处罚”、“减轻处罚”、“法定刑内判处刑罚”、“法定刑下判处刑罚”之规定。对于刑法中法定刑和法量刑清洁的理解和适用应当在具体的情况中加以区分,例如,法定刑是否存在着广义法定刑和狭义法定刑的区别;具体量刑情节的法定刑依据是什么等。《刑法》第62条做出阐述,在法定刑限度内做出从重处罚是指某一具体罪名在整个刑法幅度内从重处罚;刑法中规定的某一具体犯罪情节应当受到的处罚则是具体量刑活动考虑的范畴。立功,是一种重要的法律制度和法律行为,其对犯罪行为人刑罚的裁量以及刑法具体执行具有重要影响。我国刑法中关于立功规定有三种不同类型:一是《刑法》第68条规定,影响犯罪行为人所受刑罚轻重即可作为法定量刑情节之一的立功;二是《刑法》第78条规定,影响犯罪行为人刑罚具体执行即可作为法定减刑依据的立功;三是《刑法》第449条规定,对于战时宣告判处缓刑的军人,允许其戴罪立功,其确有立功表现时,可以撤销对其刑罚,不作犯罪论处,这是一条关于立功的特殊规定。本文从法定量刑情节依据出发,结合到司法实践,对法定量刑情节的立功进行探究。 Legal sentencing is viewed from two aspects: legal punishment and legal sentencing, and the legal sentencing circumstances have certain legal provisions. The general provisions and sub-provisions in the provisions of criminal law in our country include “statutory sentence ”, “severely punished ”, “mitigated punishment ”, “statutory punishment sentence ”, “statutory sentence sentenced penalty ” Provisions. For example, there is a distinction between generalized statutory punishment and narrowly defined statutory punishment in statutory punishment; what is the basis of statutory punishment for the specific sentencing circumstances? Article 62 of the Criminal Law elaborates that making heavy penalties within the statutory sentence limit means that a specific offense is severely punished within the entire scope of the criminal law. The penalty that a criminal law stipulates for a specific crime shall be the specific sentencing Activity considerations. Meritorious service is an important legal system and legal act. It has a significant influence on the discretion of criminal perpetrators and on the specific enforcement of criminal law. There are three types of meritorious service regulations in our criminal law: First, Article 68 of the Criminal Law stipulates that the criminal penalties may be penalized as one of the legal sentencing circumstances. Second, Article 78 of the Criminal Law stipulates that " Thirdly, Article 449 of the Criminal Law stipulates that military personnel who have been sentenced to probation in wartime may be allowed to wear their merits and merits meritorious deeds, and when they do have meritorious service merits, they may revoke their meritorious service Penalties, no crime, this is a special provision on meritorious service. This article starts from the basis of the legal sentencing circumstances and combines with the judicial practice to explore the merits of the legal sentencing circumstances.