唐纳德·利普斯基(Donald Lipsky,1947年生)利普斯基的雕塑都是由拣来的零件组合而成的,但只有当他发现物品中的价值并在几件物品的关系之中发掘出某种超现实主义的逻辑之时,才开始构思整件作品.在这个废弃物品堆积如山、令人窒息的消费性社会里,利普斯基的眼里并没有什么没用的和过时的东西.对他来说,没有什么东西平淡陈腐到不能重新赋予它一种焕然一新的用处.他只须将一个废弃物与另一件除了同样平淡无奇以外哪儿都风马牛不相及的东西以一种娴熟的技巧张冠李戴起来就是了.他的办法就是洗劫垃圾站、垃圾桶、垃圾车以及廉价
Donald Lipsky (born 1947) Lipsky’s sculptures are made up of selected parts, but only when he discovers the value of the objects and excavated them in relation to several objects Out of some sort of surrealist logic, the idea of the whole piece began to work out, and Lipsky did not see anything useless and outdated in this packed and suffocating consumer society To him, nothing is so dull as to give it a fresh use, and he has to do with a piece of waste that is irrelevant to everything else except the same blandness With a skillful skill, Zhang Guan Lee wore up, and his approach is to sack rubbish dumps, trash cans, garbage trucks and cheap