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饱受相互杀价困扰的焦炭企业目前终于开始行动了。2006年4月中下旬,他们集体向几乎所有用户发函,单方面宣布将市场价格最高提高每吨40元人民币,并且使国际焦炭价格出现了一定幅度的上扬。专家指出,焦炭是我国在全球贸易中的控制性资源,此次焦炭企业集体涨价幅度虽小,显示我国焦炭企业价格话语权取得了实质性提高。受这次“集体行动”的鼓舞,在5月15日在京召开的“中国北方焦炭联合体2006年年会”上,与会的我国主要焦炭企业负责人表示,不排除近期将再次采取类似行动的可能性。我国焦炭产量占全球的50%,出口量占全球海运贸易量的80%。随着国内产能的迅速增加,焦炭企业竞争日趋白热化,焦炭出口价格持续下降,一度跌到了近几年的最低水平,每吨只有120美元。山西省经济委员会主管官员向记者透露,120美元的出口价格,很多企业已经是微利甚至亏损经营,严重影响山西整体经济发展。另外,我国的焦炭价格中,只包含了极少的生态环境成本、安全投入成本和劳动保护成本;而且,这种现象在焦炭产业的上游煤炭行业仍然存在。这位官员的上述忧虑,在这次年会上再次引发了与会企 The coke company, which has been troubled by mutual bargains, has finally started to take action. In late April 2006, they collectively sent letters to almost all users, unilaterally announcing that the market price would be raised up to RMB40 per tonne and that the international coke price had risen to a certain extent. Experts point out that coke is a controlled resource in the global trade of our country. Although the collective price increase of coke enterprises is small, it shows that the price of coke enterprises in our country has made substantive improvements in the right of speech. Inspired by this “collective action”, the chief coke enterprises in China attending the “Annual Meeting of China’s North Coke Organizations 2006” convened in Beijing on May 15 said that it will not rule out that in the near future Possibility of taking similar action. China’s coke production accounts for 50% of the world, and its export volume accounts for 80% of the global seaborne trade volume. With the rapid increase of domestic production capacity, the competition of coke enterprises is intensifying day by day. The export prices of coke continued to drop, dropping to the lowest level in recent years at only 120 US dollars per tonne. Shanxi Provincial Economic Commission officials told reporters that the export price of 120 US dollars, many companies have been operating at a marginal loss or even a loss, seriously affecting the overall economic development in Shanxi. In addition, China’s coke price, only contains very little ecological and environmental costs, safety investment costs and labor protection costs; Moreover, this phenomenon in the coke industry upstream coal industry still exists. The above fears of the official triggered the meeting again at this annual meeting
在台风影响下,我国沿海、沿江大部分地区柑橘受灾减产,农民欠收,值得庆幸的是柑橘价格有所上涨。2005年12月 2日,记者在南京农贸中心果品批发市场采访时,江西南丰贡橘运销大
用微量分光光度法对正常人、肝细胞癌(HCC)、良性肝病和其它疾病患者血清α—L-岩藻糖苷酶(SAFU)的活性进行了测定。结果表明,HCC患者SAFU活性(765.10±289.00nmol/ml·h) 明
子宫内膜间质肉瘤极为少见,我院在10万例活检中只发现两例。现分析报告如下。 1 临床资料 [例1]女,59岁,病理号86579。闭经10年,阴道血性分泌物6天。门诊B型超声检查发现子
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