引言奥地利作曲家阿尔班·贝尔格(Alban Berg,1885—1935)作为积极实践勋伯格现代作曲理念的重要代表之一,在欧洲新音乐历史上的地位已显而易见。国内学者对这位作曲家业已展开了多方面的研究——包括生平、作品、技法、风格、思想等,并已取得可喜成果。①不过,就作品专题而言,当前的研究主要集中于贝尔格音乐风格已然成型或已臻成熟后的杰作,如《沃采克》(Wozzeck,三幕歌剧,Op.7,1921年完成,
Introduction The Austrian composer Alban Berg (1885-1935), as one of the most important representatives in the active practice of Schoenberg’s concept of modern composition, has become quite clear in the history of European new music. Domestic scholars have carried out various studies on the composer, including life, works, techniques, styles and thoughts, and have achieved gratifying results. However, as far as the topic of the work is concerned, the current research mainly focuses on the masterpieces of Berger music style that have already been shaped or matured, such as Wozzeck (Opera 3, Op.7, 1921,