开幕式别出心裁 1月27日上午9点整,伴随着一阵阵提示铃声,嘈杂的会场顿时安静下来。为人们所熟悉的世界经济论坛主席施瓦布教授陪同东道主国瑞士联邦委员会执行主席奥吉先生,神情庄重地走向主席台正中的主持人位子。两人的表情都出奇的严肃,没有一丝笑容,仿佛顾虑重重,完全没有一般研讨会开场时主持人所常有的那种轻松、自在神态。两人刚一落座,大厅里通明的灯火突然全部灭了,人们不禁猛然心紧。紧接着,优美音乐响起,一幅幅反映人类进步和美好生活的画面通过主席台两侧投影电视屏幕呈现在人们面前,人类征服了太空、整治了家园、创造着财富……一派歌舞升平的景象。然而,好景不常,乐声一转,变得急促,屏幕上出现了战争、难民、森林被大面积砍伐、泥石流吞噬着一切、受污染的动物在痛苦地挣扎……人们几乎透不过气来。虽然录像只有5分钟左右,却让人觉得过了很长时间。录像播完后,大家还没有回过味来,施瓦布开始讲话,他说:“世界经济正在逐步恢复和发展,电脑‘千年
The opening ceremony ingenuity at 9 o’clock on the January 27 the whole, accompanied by waves of prompt ringtones, quiet noisy venue suddenly quiet down. Mr. Schwab, the familiar chairman of the World Economic Forum, accompanied Mr. Ogi, the Executive Chairman of the Swiss Federal Council of the host country, solemnly went to the chair of the podium. The expressions of the two men were both unusually serious and without any smile, as if they were of great concern. There was absolutely no such kind of ease and ease that the host often had when the seminar was started. They just seated, the hall brightly lit all the lights suddenly, people can not help but suddenly tight heart. Then, beautiful music sounded, showing a picture of human progress and a better life through the podium on both sides of the projection TV screen presented in front of people, humans conquered space, rehabilitate their homes and create wealth ... ... send peace and prosperity of the scene . However, the bizarre scene, the sound of a whirlwind, became exasperated, there was a war on the screen, refugees, deforestation on a large scale, mudslides engulfed everything, struggling with contaminated animals ... people were almost breathless . Although the video is only about 5 minutes, it makes people feel for a long time. After the video broadcast, we have not yet returned to taste, Schwab began to speak, he said: "The world economy is gradually restored and the development of computer ’Millennium