Research and Application of All-Position Automatic Welding Machine

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The all position automatic welding machine system is the special welding system for pipeline girth automatic welding on site, which has been widely used in the long distance pipeline construction projects due to the advantages of automatic control for welding parameters at all position, moving speed of bugs and operating. This automatic pipeline welding system has been successfully used in several main pipeline projects in China, and has been approved by the constructors with the benefits of higher quality passing rate, higher welding efficiency and lower labor intensity. The all position automatic welding machine system is the special welding system for pipeline girth automatic welding on site, which has been widely used in the long distance pipeline construction projects due to the advantages of automatic control for welding parameters at all position, moving speed of bugs This automatic pipeline welding system has been successfully used in several main pipeline projects in China, and has been approved by the constructors with the benefits of higher quality passing rate, higher welding efficiency and lower labor intensity.
有一个消息对即将和已经退休的一些人很重要,却被集体忽略了。  9月6日,人社部部长尹蔚民提出:我国将开发老年人力资源。千万别把这个信息不当回事儿。2013年末,上面首次提出延迟退休,很多人没往心里去,早着呢!怎么样,才过去3年多,延退方案明年就将出台。  对尹蔚民部长的这一提法,相信很多人最直接的感受是:我国确实进入老龄化社会了。如果青壮年劳动力乌泱乌泱的,料也不会麻烦60岁以上的老年人。有据为证
出国务工、移民的热潮正席卷国内,除了传统移民国家之外,阿联酋的迪拜也成为很多人梦想的地方。之前有网络帖子称:有人去迪拜做了3年酒店服务生,回国买了4套房。再加上有消息称2020年世博会之前迪拜政府将做巨大的战略投资,因此对于吃苦耐劳的“中国草根”而言,迪拜成了新的“淘金天堂”。  于是有人感慨,辛辛苦苦当“北漂”还不如当“迪漂”。但也有人翻出在迪拜务工的外国人艰难生存的图文,又将迪拜描绘成外国务工
我是一名中学教师,70年代初,我喉咙突然嘶哑,月余未见好转。后经医院诊断为喉癌(I。鳞状细胞癌)。这个突如其来的打击,真是太沉重了我刚过不惑,有未竟的事业;两个孩子还小,今后怎么办……焦虑、痛苦交织在心际。在强烈的求生欲望的驱使下,我终于在生命与功能间作出了抉择——全喉切除。  术后,生命是保住了,功能却失去了;一个好端端的能说会道的人成了“哑巴”,不会讲话了。这是多么残酷的事。这比天生的“哑巴”