Aircraft anti-skid brake control system is an important on-board equipment, the aircraft’s take-off and landing safety plays an important role. NASA data show that the traditional PD + PBM control law decreases the braking performance of the hybrid runway and is prone to severe slippage in the low speed section, resulting in a reduction of braking efficiency of the system. The working principle of aircraft anti-skid braking system is analyzed. Aiming at the deficiency of traditional control law, a new braking control strategy based on immune PID is proposed. Based on the airplane model built by computer, the brake control unit is connected to the simulation loop, and a semi-physical simulation system is established. The proposed control strategy is tested on a variable combined coefficient runway. The experimental results show that this control strategy can effectively improve the deficiencies of the traditional control law, effectively suppress the wheel slip, greatly improve the braking efficiency of the system and shorten the braking distance.