在研究了因特网小型计算机系统接口(iSCSI)和智能I/O(intelligentI/OI,2O)协议的基础上,提出了一种基于智能I/O协议的嵌入式iSCSI主机总线适配器(HBA)的体系结构,并在Intel嵌入式开发板IQ80321上实现了该iSCSI HBA体系结构。经过性能测试证明,该实现能减轻主机CPU的负载,且性能较好。
Based on the research of the protocols of Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) and Intelligent I / O (IoO), an architecture of embedded iSCSI host bus adapter (HBA) based on intelligent I / O protocol Structure, and implemented the iSCSI HBA architecture on the Intel Embedded Board IQ80321. After performance testing proved that the implementation can reduce the load on the host CPU, and better performance.