自保护药芯焊丝自动或半自动焊,是一种在焊接时不需要气体保护的高效率焊接工艺。随着该焊丝在高强度、大厚度钢结构上的应用,对熔敷金属的机械性能提出了更高要求,但目前在国内尚无此产品.研制成功的 YZ55A 交直流自保护药芯焊丝,在主要性能上已达到国外同类产品的水平,电弧燃烧稳定,焊缝成型美观,熔渣覆盖性好,飞溅小,脱渣性能(包括在深坡口内)好,熔敷金属抗裂性能和冲击韧性也均为良好。
Self-shielded flux cored wire, either automatic or semi-automatic, is an efficient welding process that does not require gas protection during welding. With the application of high strength and large thickness steel structure, the welding wire poses higher requirements on the mechanical properties of the deposited metal, but there is no such product in China at present.A successful YZ55A AC / DC self-shielded flux cored wire was developed, In the main performance has reached the level of similar foreign products, the arc burning stable, beautiful weld formation, slag coverage, splash small, slag removal performance (including in the deep groove) good, anti-cracking performance of deposited metal and impact Toughness is also good.