人们说:乡镇企业是摇钱树——千真万确; 人们又说:乡镇企业是在夹缝里生长-此话不假. 当成千上万个乡镇企业在神州大地上崛起的时候,人们就产生过一种疑虑:这样的势头能持续多久,发展方向如何? 在那自我封闭的年代,地大物博,取之不尽,用之不竭几乎成了中国的代名词;自力更生,自给自足成了民族风格的象征.但当历史前进到二十世纪八十年代,工业发展的实践向人们提出了新的课题:必须不断地开拓市场(但不是用火和剑),必须不断地获得资源(但不是借助于坚船利炮). 人们深深体会到:我国农村生产力结构的最大矛盾,在于土地和其它生产资料
People say that township and village enterprises are cash cows - true: people say: township and village enterprises are growing in the cracks - so to speak. As millions of township and village enterprises rise in the land of China, people have had a Speculation: How long can such a momentum last and how can we develop it? In that era of self-isolation, vast territory is inexhaustible and inexhaustible almost synonymous with China. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency have become symbols of national style. However, as the history advanced into the 1980s, the practice of industrial development posed new issues to the people: the market must be constantly exploited (but not with fire and swords), and resources must be continually obtained (but not by means of hardships And cannon.) People have come to realize that the biggest contradiction between the structure of the productive forces in our countryside lies in the fact that land and other means of production