1.昼光利用的世界性数据收集计划。昼光能量的有效利用已经变为全球性建筑物设计的主要问题。因为昼光与人类的福利直接相关,它给各种劳动者提供了天然的“视觉气候”,包括生理系统的生理节律在内。空气污染和天气监测也与昼光有关。所以,许多国际性会议和与日俱增的科技论文充分反映出昼光技术的重要性。但是,目前尚不存在预测昼光利用的世界性数据基础。为此,国际照明委员会(CIE)在1983年成立了“昼光利用测量的国际协作”技术委员会,并在1987年通过决议,从1991年开始执行昼光利用的世界性数据收集计划。并制定了一个测量实施办法。使得各个国家在不同地区收集的数据能够作为全球性的比对分析用。 2.与世界气象组织(WMO)的合作。在筹备昼光测量计划期间,已向几个气象组织咨询过,一致赞同。CIE和WMO的合作能最充分地利用现有的技术专家和仪器设备。第一步,由CIE和WMO发起的昼光
1. Daylight utilization worldwide data collection plan. The efficient use of daylight energy has become a major issue in the design of global buildings. Because daylight is directly related to human well-being, it provides a variety of workers with a natural ’visual climate’, including the circadian rhythms of the physiological system. Air pollution and weather monitoring are also related to daylight. Therefore, many international conferences and increasingly scientific papers fully reflect the importance of daylighting technology. However, there is currently no worldwide data base for predicting daylight utilization. To this end, the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) established the Technical Committee on “International Cooperation in Daylight Utilization Measurement” in 1983 and adopted a resolution in 1987 to implement a worldwide data collection plan for daylight utilization from 1991. And developed a measure of implementation. So that data collected by different countries in different regions can be used as a global comparative analysis. 2. Cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). During preparations for the daylight measurement program, several WMO consultants have been consulted and unanimously endorsed. The cooperation between CIE and WMO allows the best use of existing technologists and equipment. The first step is daylight, initiated by CIE and WMO