This paper studies the influence of the information required for formulating and implementing the incremental pricing policy and the implementation requirements of the incremental incremental pricing mechanism on the enforcement of the incremental incremental pricing mechanism, and focuses on the asymptotic effectiveness of incremental incremental pricing as an alternative to continuous incremental pricing and its application. For any type distribution and partitioning method, the modified welfare loss caused by replacing the continuous incremental pricing with n-level incremental step-pricing is the same-order infinitesimal of the reciprocal of the square of n. Increasing the number of ladder pricing steps quickly reduces the benefit loss while rapidly increasing the information and computational requirements for implementing ladder pricing and transaction costs and welfare losses to meet such high demands are rapidly increasing. In view of the change characteristics of the two forces of welfare loss and welfare loss brought by the increase of series, the optimal series of incremental ladder pricing is a relatively small positive integer. This conclusion explains the rationality of the number of incremental ladder pricing policies in reality and simplifies the design of the optimal incremental ladder pricing mechanism theoretically.