一、来源表现 “7030”是我所用矮白穗与阿夫429杂交育成的。1978年(收获年,下同)在杂种第7代选种圃中表现优异,性状一致,平均株高80厘米,每穗54粒,千粒重46克,单穗重2.5克。1979年在本所稀播繁殖1.4亩,每亩播种1.5斤,平均亩产700斤。1980年,参加地区小麦良种区域试验,在襄阳、枣阳、
First, the source of performance “7030” is used by I am used short white spike and Afh 429 breeding. In 1978 (harvest year, the same below) in the seventh generation of hybrids selected nursery performance, consistent with the average height of 80 cm, 54 grains per ear, grain weight 46 grams, 2.5 grams per spike. In 1979, 1.4 million mu of seedlings were sown in the company, 1.5 kilograms per mu were planted and the average yield was 700 kilos. In 1980, participated in regional testing of wheat varieties in Xiangyang, Zaoyang,