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红军万里长征,是人类历史上一段永不褪色的传奇。“他们是传奇,我想记录他们的故事”。现已退休的历史教师邓玉平,以瘦弱的身躯和一根拐杖,从2014年开始,背着行囊与队友先后12次重走红一、二、四方面军、红二十五军、红军北上抗日先遣队、红六军团长征路以及西路军路、红四方面军入川路、红三军向湘鄂边转移路。邓老师与队友沿途祭扫红军烈士墓,拜访老红军240多位。邓玉平老师收集到了大量第一手口述和图片珍贵资料:记录老红军影像的资料1箱、访问日记100余万字、堆满整个书房的长征书籍等。她举办重走长征路纪实图片展,所撰写文章入选《大学语文》教科书,为社会各界作长征讲座100余场,被称为“新长征精神代言人”。长征途中的川西北草地,环境恶劣,是红军吃苦最多、牺牲最多的地段。由于极端匮乏的物质条件和特殊的自然环境,大约有一万多名红军英烈长眠于水草地。红军走出草地,也就接近长征胜利。徒步穿越红军走过的草地,给邓玉平留下难忘印象。在纪念红军长征胜利80周年之际,我们特别约请邓老师写了此文章,以便与更多读者朋友一起,用心追寻先辈的足迹,感受伟大的长征精神。 The Long March of the Red Army is a never-ending legend in human history. “They are legendary, I want to record their story ”. Now retired history teacher Deng Yuping, with a thin body and a crutch, starting from 2014, carrying luggage and his teammates have 12 times to red-hot first, second and fourth army, Red 25th Army, Red Army North advance anti-Japanese advance team , The Long March of the Red Army Corps and the West Road, the Red Fourth Army into the Chuan Road, and the Red Army to the Hunan-Hubei border. Deng and his teammates sweep the mausoleum of the Red Army martyrs along the way to visit the Red Army more than 240. Mr. Deng Yuping collected a large amount of first-hand oral and picture precious materials: 1 box of documentary materials of the old Red Army, more than 1 million words of diaries, and long march books filled up in the entire study. She held a re-take the long march road photo exhibition, written articles selected “college Chinese” textbooks for the community for long lectures more than 100 games, known as the “new Long March spiritual spokesperson.” Long journey on the northwestern Sichuan grassland, poor environment, is the most suffering the Red Army, the most sacrificed lots. Due to the extreme lack of material conditions and special natural environment, there are about 10,000 Red Army martyrs sleeping in watery grasslands. The Red Army out of the grass, it is close to the Long March victory. Walking through the grasslands that the Red Army walked through to impress Deng Yuping. In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army, we specially requested Deng to write this essay so that we can trace the forefathers’ footsteps and feel the great spirit of the Long March together with more readers and friends.
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