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   In 2009, Fred Stutzman was a graduate student at the University of North Carolina and he was trying to complete some important work on his thesis.
   But there was a problem.
   His favorite coffee shop, which had previously been a quiet place where he could escape distraction and get work done, had just added a new and very dangerous feature.
   Wireless internet.
   Now Stutzman found himself constantly distracted by the endless supply of entertainment and social media on the web—even if he really wanted to get something done. He tried disconnecting from the Internet, but it wasn’t that simple. He was always clicking it back on to “take a break.” He was constantly fighting the urge to check his messages and updates.
   Thankfully, Stutzman happened to be a programmer studying Information Science. When he went home that night, he decided to create a software program that would solve his problem.
   The program was simple. You turned the application on, told it how long you wanted to focus, and it prevented your computer from going online for that amount of time. If you wanted to get back on before your time was up, you had to turn your computer completely off and reboot.
   The program was called Freedom and not long after Stutzman created it, the application was everywhere. It was mentioned by NPR, The Economist, The New York Times, Oprah Magazine, Time, and nearly every major news outlet you can imagine. More than 500,000 people downloaded it.
   It seems that many people were struggling with online procrastination.
   Why did Freedom work so well? And what can it teach us about sticking to better habits and mastering our willpower?
   The Power of Decision Elimination
   Making decisions over and over again will drain your willpower. This is true even if it’s the same, tiny decision—like constantly resisting the urge to check your email. (Another example: continually trying to follow a new, strict diet.)
   You might be able to resist for five minutes or an hour or maybe even a week, but eventually, your willpower will begin to fade and you’ll give in. This is known as decision fatigue.
   The Freedom app that Stutzman designed is effective not only because it prevents you from reaching the web, but also because it reduces decision fatigue. It eliminates your options and, as a result, doing the right thing becomes much easier. In other words, the application places a constraint on your behavior.
【摘 要】  写作教学是高一英语教学的重点和难点,为了吸引学生积极参与到教学过程中,就需要完善合作学习在高一英语教学中的具体实施策略。  【关键词】  高一英语 合作学习 英语教学  英语写作是学生的英语综合能力的体现,也是英语教学的重点。但是目前英语写作在高一的英语教学中出现了困境,学生对写作提不起来兴趣,写作出来的文章也是错误连篇,没有内涵,大都是按照作文范文的模板来进行写作的。为了改善这样的
考虑到自己的成绩在国内往上算也拼不到一流大學,可是读个一般的又不甘心,于是在几经考虑之后,恩雅下决心留学去寻找更好的求学机会。不过,一个学期过去了,对于她来说留学生活并没有想象中的那么美好,甚至一度让她产生了退缩的念头,这是为什么呢?  “我总是听别人说,国外的中学生学习没那么累,很轻松,而且就读世界级名校的机会要大得很,于是我才想着和父母商量要出国看看。”恩雅就读于一所重点高中,做出出国决定时,
Zhangjiajie City is located on the northwestern border of Hunan Province. Covering an area of 9,516 square kilometers (about 3,674 square miles), there are four areas under its governance: Yongding Di
It wasn’t long after I opened my eyes that Master took me home. One minute, I was snuggled up with my brothers and sisters, and the next I was roughly pulled from our enclosure and held up in the air.
在阅读一些经典作品的时候,我们常常会看到一些经典的句子,我们会摘录下来,反复阅读欣赏。随着广泛阅读增加,我们还会发现有些句子出现的频率越来越高,几乎成为好文章的必备。这正是我们今天要讨论的文段中常用的万能句子。  真的存在万能句子吗?答案是肯定的。无论在中文还是英文,有很多句型句式,被广泛运用,更好的表达作者的观点,更好的表明文意,堪称经典。  那么,日常英语写作中,都有哪些值得学习和收藏的万能句
馬蒂斯与毕加索同为20世纪现代艺术的巨擘,你可能更熟悉后者的名字,而对前者知之甚少,但以马蒂斯为首的野兽派画家却引领了上世纪的绘画大革命。马蒂斯在现代艺术的领域探险,形成了形色简约、愉悦和谐的野兽画风。其作品中耀眼跳动的画面、恣意而又明朗的画风,营造出一个个野兽派的伊甸园。而这一切都源自于法国南部的一个小镇带给他的灵感。一起去听听其中的故事吧。   The first time I saw a
喬布斯说:“Stay foolish; Stay hungry.”学无止境,三人行必有我师,身边的人和事都有值得我们学习的地方。  Once there was a great Sufi saint. In his last days, someone asked him about his master. Saint said, “Since you asked I will certainly
【摘 要】  本文以高中生存在写作能力普遍低下的问题为出发点,开展了“每日阅读五分钟,以读促写”的活动,结合每周一次小组交流、独立写作及教师点评课,有效地提高了学生的写作能力。  【关键词】  英语写作 高中生 每日阅读  1. 研究问题的提出  普通高中英语课程标准具体描述了高中生的写作技能:能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要;能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告;能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文
【摘 要】英语学习的过程中学生需要好的记忆力,可是很多学生抱怨说记不住单词,记不住词组,学过的语法也记不住,或者记住一段时间又忘记了。学生要掌握一定的记忆规律,有良好的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯,勤读勤记。自觉主动地学习,持之以恒,这样才能学好英语。  【关键词】 记忆 遗忘规律 过度记忆 记忆规律   英语学习的过程中学生需要好的记忆力,可是很多学生抱怨说记不住单词,记不住词组,学过的语法也