1999年 8月 ,我们对蚌埠铁路分局蚌埠列车段列车员1 998年 1~ 1 2月所患疾病及伤病缺勤进行了统计分析 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 对象与方法1 .1 对象 蚌埠列车段全体列车员 2 2 4 7名。1 .2 资料来源 蚌埠列车段人劳室提供的 1 998年完整的病休证明 ,并与考勤核实休工日数
In August 1999, we conducted a statistical analysis of the illness and injury absent from January to February 1998 in the Bengbu Railway Section of Bengbu Railway Branch. The results are reported as follows: 1 Objects and Methods 1.1 Object Bengbu Train Paragraph all the crew 2 2 4 7. 1 .2 Source of Information The complete sick leave certificate issued in 1978 in the staff room at the train station in Bengbu and verified with attendance for the number of days off