
来源 :上海社会科学院学术季刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chencm
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本文旨在阐述晚清上流社会的一些有识之士构成的特殊群体与早期近代化运动的关系,并由此透视这一运动过程怎样通过人的因素而发生作用。开埠后的沿海江浙沪粤等地区,出现了一批得风气之先者,他们虽处于上流社会的中下层,却关心时务,富于远见卓识。凭借开放后得天独厚的条件,他们获得了有关西方近代文化的知识,并通过湘淮军大幕,贡献所得于当政诸僚。由此他们发起了早期近代化运动并成为其中的骨干力量,正面推进了传统中国向近代化转变的进程。但是,由这样一些受传统哺育的官绅士子来进行转变社会传统的工作,又不可避免地使转变过程充满回旋与曲析。传统社会正是这样艰难地向近代化迈进。 The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the relationship between the special groups of some people of insight and the early modernization movements in the high society in the late Qing Dynasty and to see how the process of the movement can play its role through human factors. After the opening of the coastal areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Guangdong, there emerged a group of pioneers of the trend. Although they are in the lower middle class, they are concerned about the current affairs and are far-sighted. By virtue of the blessed conditions after the opening up, they gained knowledge of the modern Western culture and, through the big screen of the Hunan Huai Army, contributed their entitlements to the ranks of the people in power. As a result, they initiated and became the backbone of the early modernization movement, positively advancing the process of transforming traditional China into a modern one. However, the transformation of social traditions by such traditional gentleman-nurtured gentry members inevitably inflams the transformation process and analyzes it. It is so difficult for the traditional society to move toward modernization.
<正> 一些三角函数的最值问题用构造法来解是很巧妙的,可以起到事半功倍的效果.所谓构造法,就是根据题设条件和结论之间的内在联系及两者本身的“特征结构”,把题中的条件来
目的探讨基于细针穿刺(FNA)细胞学检查的BRAF V600E突变检测在甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)的临床价值。方法选择2015年8月-2016年4月在宁波市第二医院行甲状腺结节FNA细胞学检查的患