为了观察玉米抗感性对玉米螟微孢子虫病垂直传播的影响。1983年在植保所农场,对不同抗感性玉米品种,在不同生育期接种染病玉米螟幼虫,进行小区试验。 先用6×10~8孢子/毫升、4×10~7孢子/毫升两种浓度孢子液,涂卵,使初孵幼虫染病(方法见昆虫学报1984,27(4):468),模拟垂直传播染病幼虫。各处理每株均接种幼虫100头。接种后25天剖查,凡幼虫发育至末龄者均计入生存虫数,用10×解剖镜检查组织有无病
In order to observe the impact of maize susceptibility to vertical transmission of microsporidiosis of corn borer. In 1983, at the plant protection farms, different resistant maize varieties were inoculated with the diseased corn borer larvae at different growth stages for community trials. First with 6 × 10 ~ 8 spores / ml, 4 × 10 ~ 7 spores / ml spores two kinds of concentration, painted eggs, the newly hatched larvae disease (see Acta Sinica 1984,27 (4): 468), simulated vertical Spread disease larvae. Each treatment was inoculated with 100 larvae per plant. 25 days after inoculation dissection, where the larvae to the end of the age were counted into the number of surviving insects, with 10 × dissection microscopy of tissue disease