后李遗址是后李文化的命名地。后李文化是以山东省淄博市临淄区齐陵镇后李遗址的发现而得名的。~([1])该文化的发现与确立,是中国史前考古的重大成果之一,它把山东地区史前文化的发展谱系向前推进1 000多年,进一步缩短了山东地区新石器时代文化和以细石器文化遗存为主要特征的凤凰岭文化之间的距离,为在山东地区追寻新石器早期文化的起源以及农业的产生等,均具有特殊的学术意义。有鉴于此,笔者拟在前人研究的基础上,利用过去发表的有关考古资料,就后李文化的发现过程、面貌与特
After the Lee site is named after Li culture. The post-Li culture is named after the discovery of the post-Li site in Qiling Town, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province. The discovery and establishment of this culture was one of the major achievements of China’s prehistoric archeology. It advanced the pedigree of prehistoric culture in Shandong for more than 1,000 years and further shortened the Neolithic culture in Shandong Province. Fine stone cultural relics as the main characteristics of the distance between the Fenghuangling culture, in order to trace the origin of Neolithic culture in Shandong and agricultural production, have a special academic significance. In view of this, on the basis of the previous studies, I intend to make use of the relevant archaeological data published in the past to analyze the process, face and special features of the post-Li culture