二熟茭白即双季茭,栽植后可采收两次,一次在当年“秋分”至“霜降”采收,称为秋茭;另一次在来年“立夏”至“夏至”采收,称为夏茭。秋茭上市时,正逢夏秋之交的缺菜季节;夏茭上市时,茄果类、瓜类、豆类蔬菜尚未大量上市。因此,栽培二熟茭白对缓解蔬菜秋淡和春淡市场,丰富花色品种,起着重要作用,其经济效益十分显著。现将其高产栽培经验介绍如下: 一、选田整地,施足底肥 选择房前屋后排灌方便的大肥冬水田、深脚烂泥田等。这类田栽培水稻产量低,但却适宜茭白生长。栽植前精心整地,深翻30厘米以上,以促进土壤养分的分解。同时亩施优质腐熟堆厩肥
The second crop is white double quince, planted after harvest twice, once in the “autumn” to “frost down” harvest, known as autumn 茭; another in the coming year “summer” to “summer solstice” harvest, known as Summer 茭. Autumn 茭 market, coincides with the summer of the missing vegetables season; summer 茭 listing, soya, melons, beans and vegetables yet a large number of listed. Therefore, the cultivation of second cropping white rice to ease autumn and spring vegetables market, enrich the color varieties, plays an important role, its economic efficiency is very significant. Now its high-yielding cultivation experience described as follows: First, the election field preparation, Shi enough fertilizer at the end of the house to choose the convenience of irrigation and drainage behind the big paddy fields, deep muddy fields. The yield of cultivated rice in this field is low, but it is suitable for growing white rice. Precisely planted before planting, deep plowing more than 30 cm, in order to promote the decomposition of soil nutrients. At the same time Mushi high-quality rotting heap manure