患者,男,21岁,主因“发热15天,伴头痛13天”于97年4月27日急诊入院。患者入院前15天无明显诱因出现寒战,高热,体温达40℃,伴轻度干咳,咽痛。入院前13天始出现剧烈头痛,为双颞部持续性钝痛,伴恶心,未呕吐。在院外口服“红霉素”,体温降至37℃~38℃,头痛稍好转。入院前2天头痛再次加重并呕吐,来我院急诊,收住院。既往体健,否认结核病接触史,否认卡介苗接种史。入院查体:痛苦面容,精神萎糜,血压 16/8kPa(1kPa=7.5mmHg),脉搏90
The patient, male, 21 years old, was admitted to the emergency department on April 27, 1997 due to “15 days of fever and 13 days of headache.” 15 days before admission, no obvious incentive to chills, fever, body temperature of 40 ℃, with mild dry cough, sore throat. 13 days before admission, severe headache began to appear, persistent dull pain in both temporal regions, with nausea and vomiting. In the hospital oral “erythromycin”, body temperature dropped to 37 ℃ ~ 38 ℃, headache slightly better. Two days before admission, the headache aggravated and vomited again, and came to our hospital for emergency treatment and was admitted to the hospital. Past physical health, denied a history of exposure to tuberculosis, denied the history of BCG vaccination. Admission examination: painful face, spiritual wilt Mi, blood pressure 16 / 8kPa (1kPa = 7.5mmHg), pulse 90