Little is known about the genetic effects of tritiated water (HTO) on mammals, probably due to a lack of common methods for detecting reproductive system mutations. Recently mice have been established to detect mutations is very sensitive to the method. Moreover, a doubling dose of 33R was obtained with a mutation rate of 2.2 × 10 -7 per locus per locus. The authors used this method to determine the dose-response relationship and determine the genetic risk of tritiated water to humans. Selection of female and male mice PT mating, resulting in F_1 (recessive coat color genes heterozygous), when the female pregnant to the first 10 days of the afternoon at 2 o’clock, per gram of body weight 1 intraperitoneal injection of tritiated water, injection volume 4.4, 2.2 and 0.7 MBq. 4 weeks after F_1 was born body