盆花是美化居室环境的佳品,适合美化居室的盆花佳品颇多。观花品种有月季、海棠、一串红、绣球、菊花等,花色绚丽多彩,花期较长,栽培管理较容易;观叶品种有吊兰、文竹、万年青、天门冬、小龙柏、玉树、竹类等,叶色终年碧绿,四季如春,清新幽雅,赏心悦目;观果品种有朝天椒、小石榴、金桔、紫珠、枸杞、金枣等,果实累累,有的如珍珠,有的似玛瑙,色彩缤纷;香花品种有球兰、朱兰、茉莉、夜来香、四季桂、桅子花等,色彩艳丽,花季四溢,令人神怡。 盆花必用花盘,究竟以何种花盆为好?一般常用泥盆,紫盆。它们透水透气性能良好,价
Potted flowers is to beautify the living room environment to share, suitable for beautifying the room a lot of potted flowers. Flowering varieties are rose, Begonia, a bunch of red, hydrangea, chrysanthemum, etc., colorful and colorful, longer flowering, easier to manage and cultivate; foliage varieties have Chlorophytum, Wen bamboo, Evergreen, asparagus, small Cypress, Yushu, bamboo Class, green leaves all year round, four seasons such as spring, fresh and elegant, pleasing to the eye; fruit varieties are day pepper, pomegranate, kumquat, purple beads, wolfberry, dates, etc., the fruit is full, and some pearl, Onyx, colorful; fragrant varieties of Polaris, Juran, jasmine, evening primrose, Siji, gardenia flowers, colorful, flowery season, it is refreshing. Potted flowers must use disk, what kind of flower pot is better? Commonly used clay pot, purple basin. They are permeable and breathable and have a good price