交通运输部行业技术标准《玻璃纤维土工格栅拉伸夹具》(JT/T 818-2011)已于2012年4月1日开始实施。为了更好地理解、贯彻标准内容,文中详细阐述了该标准的制定过程、标准的特点、标准的内容,期望对标准的顺利实施起到推动作用。
Ministry of Transport Industry Technical Standard “Fiberglass Geogrid Stretching Fixture” (JT / T 818-2011) was implemented on April 1, 2012. In order to better understand and implement the content of the standard, the paper elaborates the process of setting standards, the characteristics of standards and the content of standards, and hopes to promote the smooth implementation of standards.