Ganghi No.2 (IR24 × XianDang No.1) is a high-yielding hybrid rice combination using non-hereditary male-sterility inducing female parent with normal pollen prepared by male parents. From 1981 to 1983, Yuxian Zhu blocking Township Agricultural Station planting Jiangxi 2 for three consecutive years to obtain a yield of more than 1800 pounds per mu, indicating that the use of killing methods to increase the yield of hybrids significantly. , On the large area hybrid hybrids is not high purity, low yield, has become the current promotion of planting combination of Gan 2 combination of obstacles.To this end, the past two years we explored the key technologies to kill species in order to produce high yield Quality .1982 small area trial, the yield reached 138.9 pounds, a purity of 95.4% .In 1983, planted 15 acres, the average yield of 111.2 catties, high-yield plots yield 187.4 pounds, with an average purity of 97% The author of the preliminary understanding of the killing of several key technologies are summarized below.