To sell the bird to a man who has never raised a bird? The answer is not to earnestly persuade the benefits of keeping the country, but to persuade him to hang an empty bird cage in the most conspicuous place in his house. Imagine that you are the person hanging the cage, as long as someone came to your home, must be curious to ask you a series of questions: “Bird??” “Flying? ” “Is not dead? ” “ If you answer that you have never raised a bird, then the problem is even more serious: ”Do not raise a bird to hang a cage?“ ”Is not the problem?“ ? ”Finally, you can not stand this endless explanation, and explained the embarrassment, and finally had to buy a bird into the cage. This is the famous cage logic in psychology. Birdcage logic tells us that most of the time people are subject to a strong inertia of thinking: the cage must be used to raise birds. Marriage will be the first to buy a new house, society must be 369 and so on. The benefit of this inertial thinking is that it helps us to quickly recognize and adapt to the world around us. Of course