【机 构】
【出 处】
<正> 水稻抛秧是黑龙江省穆棱县近几年推广的一项新的种植技术,通过多年多点试验表明,该项技术具有劳动强度轻,用工少,产量高,效益大等特点,很有推广、应用价值。 一、对比分
In this study phenolic compounds extraction from grape byproducts was conducted using pure water as a solvent. High temperatures and low time incubation periods
Immunomodulatory Activities of a Concentrated Fruit and Vegetable Juice Tested in a Randomized, Plac
22 healthy volunteers were included in a randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study in order to investigate immunomodulatory effects of a concentrated juice, co
A Comparative Study of Present Status of Marketing of Formalin Treated Fishes in Six Districts of Ba
The fish is an important food stuff and source of protein all over the world. In Bangladesh, fisheries sector contributes a lot, in the case of the earning fore
New advances in the area of deciphering the mechanism for a possible modification of the biological effects of radiation exposure at the genetic level make it p
Patterns of Caffeinated Energy Drinks Consumption among Adolescents and Adults in Hail, Saudi Arabia
Caffeinated energy drinks have become more popular in the last decades, especially amongst adolescents and young adults in different parts of the globe. The stu