
来源 :中国电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songtiger2222
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那还是五十年代,共和国的电视事业刚刚拉开帷幕,我便急匆匆地想脱胎而出。显然,我操之过急了,那些被现在圈内人尊称为“大师”、“元老”的老一辈中国电影事业的开创者们根本就看不清,也看不上我,他们垂青的是纪录片,尽管憋足了劲儿,一心想要从电影摄影机和电影胶片的汪洋大海中站起来,可知遇者太少了。“大师”们拍摄电影纪录片的坚定步伐,犹如排山倒海的巨澜,气势磅礴地冲击在我弱小的嫩芽上,我在夹缝中求生存,不得不扭曲了自己。于是,我成了电影纪录片的变种——电视纪录片的“小伙计”,没有自己的名字不说,还得为电视纪录片这位“大哥大”扛长活。虽 It was still the fifties, the Republic of China’s television business has just begun, I hurriedly wanted to come out. Obviously, I was in a hurry. The pioneers of the Chinese film industry of the elder generation who are now known as “masters” and “veterans” in the circle now simply can not see or honor me. They are in favor of documentaries, Although she was holding her arms and trying to stand up from the sea of ​​movie cameras and motion picture films, she knew too few people. “Master” film and television documentaries made a firm step, like giant mountains and plains, magnificent impact on my weaker buds, I survive in the cracks, had to distort myself. As a result, I became a variant of the documentary film - the television documentary’s “little boy”, without her own name not saying, but also for the television documentary “Big Brother” to carry long live. although
摘 要:目前,随着经济全球化趋势的加快,英语作为世界性语言的地位和作用也越来越突出。众所周知,英语词汇是构成英语语言的最基本要素。而丰富的词汇储备,无疑是人们流畅表达自己思想内涵、参与社会竞争的可靠保障。因此,在初中英语教学过程中,教师应以新课标为基准,结合授课班级学生的学习特点和学习规律,采用灵活多变、形式多样的授课手法,为学生们构建一个可观、可想、可思、可用的英语词汇学习环境,从而促进学生们