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光伏微网是促进光伏就地消纳利用,发挥分布式光伏发电系统效能的有效方式。在光伏微网发展进程中,微网成本-收益的非对称性和光伏发电的正外部性会导致光伏微网投资效益不明显,必须由政府进行干预以扶持其发展,上网价格规制为其中最有效的方式。当前,我国短时间内大幅提高可再生能源发电比例,在政策制定上缺乏系统规划,造成规制效率水平低,不能充分发挥规制工具对光伏微网投资运营的指导作用。因此,该文对不同电价场景下上网电价规制类型对微网各主体收益的影响进行分析。首先,建立微网商业模型,分析微网运营模式及各主体收益分配;其次,基于价格信号构建多场景,即用户电价分别为固定电价和分时电价,上网电价分别为固定电价模型、固定溢价模型和可变溢价模型,提出多场景下微网内储能的充放电策略及整体运行策略,并进行时序仿真,得出典型日内不同微网主体间能量交换关系及收益分配;最后,对多场景下电价模型对各主体收益的影响进行灵敏度分析;将模型应用于广东某微网,验证了所述方法的有效性和可行性,对有关部门进行不同电价场景下微网上网电价的规制决策有较好的借鉴意义。 Photovoltaic microgrid is an effective way to promote the use of photovoltaic in local consumption and to play the role of distributed photovoltaic power generation system. In the process of PV microgrid development, the cost of microgrid-the asymmetry of income and the positive externality of photovoltaic power generation will lead to obvious effect of investment in photovoltaic microgrids, which must be intervened by the government to support its development. Effective way. At present, the proportion of China’s renewable power generation has risen sharply in the short term, and there is a lack of systematic planning in policy making, resulting in a low level of regulation efficiency and a failure to give full play to the guiding role of regulatory tools in the investment and operation of photovoltaic microgrids. Therefore, this paper analyzes the influence of the regulation model of the feed-in tariffs on the earnings of each micro-network under different electricity price scenarios. First, the establishment of micro-grid business model, analysis of micro-grid operating mode and the main income distribution; secondly, based on the price signal to build multi-scenario, that is, the user price of fixed price and time-share price respectively, the price of electricity were fixed price model, fixed premium Model and variable premium model, the charge and discharge strategy and overall operation strategy of energy storage in microgrid in multi-scenario are put forward, and the timing simulation is carried out to get the energy exchange relationship and profit distribution among different microgrid entities in a typical day. Finally, The model is applied to a certain micro-grid in Guangdong Province to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method. The decision-making on the regulation of the micro-grid feed-in tariff under different price scenarios is carried out. Have a good reference.
目的 研究分析特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)患者的临床治疗方法。方法 46例特发性血小板减少性紫癜患者,均采用止血、维生素C和抗生素治疗,每天给予地塞米松治疗,持续治疗2周