命名,就是赋予人和事物以名称。即以对人的命名而言,人各有姓,也各有名,外国的洋名种种我不清楚,但在中国,它却和中华民族的历史文化密切相关,构成了特色独具举世无双的传统姓名文化,循名责实,能引起我们许多美丽或不美丽的联想,例如“秦桧”,本来是无辜的常绿乔木的“桧”,籍隶令人生敬的柏科,然而一旦与那位大奸大恶之人结下了不解之缘,就断送了自己在林木家族中的清名,连带“秦”姓也蒙了不白之灾,以至据说他的后代来到岳武穆的坟前,也不免代先人受过地说“人从宋后少名桧,我到坟前愧姓秦”。至于字鹏举的岳飞,他的名姓当然是和他的事迹一起,高飞远扬而流芳百世的了。 命名的意义有大有小,大则关乎家国天下,小则及于一己之身。孔夫子就是一个讲究名分的人,他竟认为一切祸乱的根源来自“名实不符”,于是他执著地要求“必也正名乎”,颇有一番“大成至圣先师”的堂堂正正
Name, is to give people and things by name. Namely to the person’s name, people have surnames, but also each name, foreign foreign names I do not know all sorts of things, but in China, but it is closely related with the history and culture of the Chinese nation, constitute a unique unique features The traditional name and culture, following the names and compliments, can arouse many beautiful or not beautiful associations like “Qin Hui”, “Juniper” which was originally an innocent evergreen tree, The great evil people who have formed a great evildom have settled their indissoluble bond, and they have severed their fame in the forest family. Even the “Qin” surname was also blackened. Even his offspring are said to have come to Yue Wu Mu Of the grave, it is not without the ancestors said to “people from the little cypress after Song, I went to the cemetery shame Qin.” As for Yue Fei, who held the word Peng, his name was, of course, with his deeds. The meaning of naming a big and small, big about the world, small and in one’s own body. Confucius was a well-known person, and he actually believed that the root cause of all the disasters originated from “the name does not match”, so he persistently demanded that “it must be just as its name rests” and quite a generous “Great Master”