2001年8月5日,东阳市某农户办丧事酒,发生一起严重食物中毒,现报告如下。1 流行病学调查 8月5日丧事酒,中餐28桌,晚餐19桌,中晚餐菜谱同,且晚餐绝大部分是中餐的回锅(蒸)菜。先后280余人就餐,当天下午就有人发病,未引起注意。夜深后病人逐渐增多才引起重视,陆续到医院就医,次日早餐后病人逐渐减少。经现场调查,烹调加工主厨房设在天井中,洗涤水源是天井中的井水,有的从养有蟹的豆腐桶内取水洗菜,有的则直接使用井水,混合使用洗盆、废水随地倾倒。使用的工具容器数量严重不足,加工过程交叉污染严重。
August 5, 2001, Dongyang City, a farmer funeral wine, a serious food poisoning, are as follows. Epidemiological survey August 5 funeral wine, 28 tables of Chinese food, 19 tables of dinner, dinner menu with the same, and most of the dinner is Chinese food back to the pan (steamed) dishes. Has more than 280 people to eat, the afternoon someone was attacked, did not attract attention. After gradual increase in late-night patients only cause attention, one after another to the hospital for medical treatment, the patient gradually reduced after breakfast the next day. After field investigation, the cooking and processing main kitchen is located in the patio. The washing water source is the well water in the patio. Some of them take water from the tofu barrel that holds the crabs, while others directly use the well water and the mixing basin and waste water Dump anywhere. There was a serious shortage of tool containers used and cross-contamination of the process.