The history of world animation, from black and white animation to color animation is a qualitative leap and upgrade. The emergence of color has changed the course of animation, but also promoted the animation industry more rapid development. As an indispensable element in the animation of the color elements, extremely accurate match the innate human perception, but also make people as an important and rapid means of distinguishing objects, but also become The status and importance of animation modeling language is the most important. With the passage of time, people continue to experience the accumulation of color, development, and the gradual formation of the color of the aesthetic taste of a large infiltration into the animation scene, forming a different style and category. In this paper, we study and analyze the internal relations through the definition of animation scenes and colors, discuss the style features of the colors in the scenes of different countries in a comparative way, and use the “color” in the animation creation Unique artistic language to be discussed.