Trichlorethylene, an organic solvent commonly used in industry, is highly toxic to metals and can cause acute or chronic poisoning through absorption through the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and skin if it is not well protected. It acts mainly on the nervous system. Severe acute poisoning can cause respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrest caused by the sudden death of the contact. Xi’an Locomotive Depot will use trichlorethylene for oil removal of various components, workers often have a variety of reactions, and the workshop team also have the same side effects. In order to find out the hazard situation, two consecutively measured concentrations of trichlorethylene in air were continuously measured in May and September of 77, and the urinary decomposition products were inspected and analyzed after inhalation of trichlorethylene by direct and indirect contact with workers. The results prove that the damage is greater. We are discussing and analyzing the survey data to draw attention to the improvement of working conditions. First, the production process and protection Overview Xi’an locomotive repair section on average 16 units per month. Disassembled