针对TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)协议在卫星通信网络中的局限性,通过三个方面对TCP进行性能优化改进,对于性能增强代理的方案进行性能分析,最后的推荐方案为通过在信关站和用户终端处设置性能增强代理,性能增强代理之间采用SCPS-TP(Space Communication Protocol standard-Transmission Protocol)协议。
Aiming at the limitation of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in satellite communication network, TCP performance optimization and improvement are made in three aspects. The performance analysis of performance enhancement proxy scheme is carried out. The final recommendation is to improve the performance of TCP Setting Performance Enhancement Agent on the Terminal and Performance Enhancement The SCPS-TP (Space Communication Protocol standard-Transmission Protocol) protocol is used between the agents.