中国正在努力恢复在关贸总协定中的缔约国地位。在这个过程中,借鉴和参考其他发展中国家加入总协定的经验教训是十分必要的。一、“入关”可能获得哪些好处? 关贸总协定是第二次世界大战后在美国的倡议下成立的,是以市场经济为基础、以贸易自由化为目标的多边国际协定。它成立初期,对发展中国家的利益是十分忽视的;随着发展中国家缔约国数量的增加,它们在关贸总协定中的地位和作用也日益增强。由于发展中国家的正当要求和联合斗争,关贸总协定增加了对发展中国家实行差别和优惠待遇的
China is working hard to restore its status as a party to the GATT. In this process, drawing lessons from and referring to the experience and lessons of other developing countries’ accession to the General Agreement is necessary. What are the benefits of I and G entry? The GATT was established after the Second World War on the initiative of the United States. It is a multilateral international agreement based on market economy and aimed at trade liberalization. In the early days of its establishment, the interest of developing countries was greatly ignored. With the increase in the number of developing country parties, their status and role in GATT has also increased. Due to legitimate demands and joint struggles of developing countries, GATT increased the differential and preferential treatment for developing countries.