The thermal and storage stability of bovine haemoglobin by ultraviolet-visible and circular dichrois

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heheaixixi
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The effects of temperature,pH and long-term storage on the secondary structure and conformation changes of bovine haemoglobin(bHb) were studied using circular dichroism(CD) and ultraviolet-visible(UV-vis) spectroscopies.Neural network software was used to deconvolute the CD data to obtain the fractional content of the five secondary structures.The storage stability of bHb solutions in pH 6,7 and8 buffers was significantly higher at 4 ℃ than at 23 ℃ for the first 3 days.A complete denaturation of bHb was observed after 40 days irrespective of storage temperature or pH.The bHb solutions were also exposed to heating and cooling cycles between 25 and 65 ℃ and structural changes were followed by UVvis and CD spectroscopies.These experiments demonstrated that α-helix content of bHb decreased steadily with the increasing temperature above 35 ℃ at all pH values.The loss in a-helicity and gain in random coil conformations was pH-dependent and the greatest under alkaline conditions.Furthermore,there was minimal recovery of the secondary structure content upon cooling to 25 ℃.The use of bHb as a model drug is very common and this study elucidates the significance of storage and processing conditions on its stability. The effects of temperature, pH and long-term storage on the secondary structure and conformation changes of bovine haemoglobin (bHb) were studied using circular dichroism (CD) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopies. Neural network software was used to deconvolute the CD data to obtain the fractional content of the five secondary structures. The storage stability of bHb solutions in pH 6,7 and 8 buffers was significantly higher at 4 ° C than at 23 ° C for the first 3 days. A complete denaturation of bHb was observed after 40 days irrespective of storage temperature or pH. The bHb solutions were also exposed to heating and cooling cycles between 25 and 65 ° C and structural changes were followed by UVvis and CD spectroscopies. These projects illustrate that α-helix content of bHb falling steadily with the increasing temperature above 35 ° C at all pH values. loss in a-helicity and gain in random coil conformations was pH-dependent and the greatest under alkaline conditions. hermore, there was minimal recovery of the secondary structure content upon cooling to 25 ° C. The use of bHb as a model drug is very common and this study elucidates the significance of storage and processing conditions on its stability.
自今年4月山西省推动煤炭行业重组兼并以来,以浙商为主体的山西煤矿民间投资者们将被迫集体告别一度风光无限的“煤老板”生涯。浙江煤老板在山西投资总额近500亿的煤炭企业,基本上都将被整合和关闭。当地退出的评估价往往只有实际投入的1/4或1/3,大多数浙江煤老板将因此而“血本无归”,损失惨重。  作为中国民间投资最为活跃的群体,温州人在2003年至2008年这煤炭业最火的数年里,大举进入山西,以市价买下
建立森林资源档案是一项新兴的林业科学。黑里河林场自1978年建档以来,通过四年来的实践,取得了一些经验,收到了较好的效果。 1.森林资源档案的建立过程资源建档不同于一般
用DNA吸收峰波段的266nm 波长的超短脉冲激光及其它波长激光照射麦种后,田前收获四代。对前三代的株高、成熟期、穗型及多穗等性状变异进行了系统地调查、统计和分析比较。结
生物制药公司Stemline Therapeutics宣布,美国FDA已授予其临床新药SL-401突破性疗法认定。该新型药物可靶向白介素-3受体(CD123),用于治疗急浆细胞样树突状细胞肿瘤(BPDCN)。